HBreader is more then just an EPUB reading application, it is also an Audio book player.
HBreader supports two kinds of audio books:
An audio book is a book that instead of displaying text to read, it plays the book read by a professional narrator.
The advantages of such a book is that you can listen to it while doing an activity that prevents you from reading, such as driving etc. You can listen to the book while driving and when you got to your destination, pause the playing while remembering your last position. When you reopen the book, you will continue listening exactly where you left off.
In addition, you will have a slider so that you can quickly navigate inside the book, similar to navigation in a youtube video.
An integrated audio book, is an EPUB file that in addition to text, it has a player button in every chapter to play this specific chapter.
This method allows you to read and listen at the same time. The book mark is only for the text and not the audio.
Contact Helicon Books for creating integrated audio books prdctn@heliconbooks.com